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Academy Council

Academy Officers

The Chair of Council is supported by four Vice Chairs — two are elected by the Council and two are ex-officio roles. The elected roles are the Vice Chair for Education and the Vice Chair for Workforce. The Vice Chair for Community Care is an ex-officio post held by the Chair of the RCGP Council. The Vice Chair for Trustees is an ex-officio post held by the Independent Clinician Trustee. Collectively this group is known as the Academy Officers, the Officers progress Academy business and determine items for the Council to consider.

Chair of Council

Dr Jeanette Dickson

Read more about Jeanette in the Chair of Council’s profile.



Dr Fiona Donald
President, Royal College of Anaesthetists

Dr Mike McKirdy
President, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow

Professor Kamila Hawthorne
Chair of Council, Royal College of General Practitioners

Dr Bernie Chang
Independent Clinician Trustee


Academy Council

The Academy Council comprises the Presidents, Chairs, Vice-Chairs or Deans of the member colleges and faculties. There are currently also nine co-opted council members.

Dr Jeanette Dickson
Chair of Council, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Dr Fiona Donald
President, Royal College of Anaesthetists

Dr Charlotte Eckhardt
Dean, Faculty of Dental Surgery

Professor Grant McIntyre
Dean, Faculty of Dental Surgery of Edinburgh

Dr Adrian Boyle
President, Royal College of Emergency Medicine

Professor Kamila Hawthorne
Chair of the Council, Royal College of General Practitioners

Professor Margaret Ikpoh
Vice-Chair, Royal College of General Practitioners

Dr Daniele Bryden
Dean, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine

Dr Ranee Thakar
President, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Professor Steve Nimmo
President, Faculty of Occupational Medicine

Professor Ben Burton
President, Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Dr Camilla Kingdon
President, Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health

Dr Bernie Croal
President, Royal College of Pathologists

Dr Flic Gabbay
President, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine

Dr Sarah Clarke
President, Royal College of Physicians

Professor Andrew Elder
President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Dr Diarmuid O’Shea
President, Royal College Physicians of Ireland

Mr Mike McKirdy
President, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow

Dr Lade Smith
President, Royal College of Psychiatrists

Professor Kevin Fenton
President, Faculty of Public Health

Dr Katharine Halliday
President, Royal College of Radiologists

Dr Janet Barter
President, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health

Dr Natasha Jones
President, Faculty of Sport & Exercise Medicine UK

Professor Rowan Parks
President, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Mr Tim Mitchell
President, Royal College of Surgeons of England

Professor Deborah McNamara
President, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland


Co-opted members and observers

Ms Ros Levenson
Chair, Academy Patient/Lay Committee

Dr Waqas Akhtar
Chair, Academy Trainee Doctors’ Group

Dr Vaishali Parulekar and Dr Vinita Shekar
Joint Chairs, Academy Staff and Associate Specialist Committee

Olwen Williams
Chair, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Wales

Steve Turner
Chair, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland (Scottish Academy)
Memorandum of Understanding between the Academy and the Scottish Academy

Niall McGonigle
Northern Ireland representative

Dr Bernie Chang
Independent Clinician Trustee

Attendance at Academy Council meetings is by invitation only.


  • Tuesday 20 February — remote
  • Tuesday 16 April — in person
  • Thursday 4 July — in person
  • Tuesday 17 (dinner) and Wednesday 18 September (Policy day) — in person
  • Thursday 21 November — remote